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Integrate | A Cannabis Benefit Corporation
A California Benefit Corp.
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Are You A

Community-Oriented Organization?

Are you in need of legal and regulatory compliance support services?

Are you an organization working to support populations and ecosystems impacted by cannabis prohibition?

Are you motivated to create an inclusive and equitable cannabis industry?

Integrate is prepared to help you bring your vision of change into your community.
Contact Us

Are You A

Government Official?

Are you an elected official with limited knowledge of the cannabis industry?

Are you a cannabis advocate seeking public office in your local community?

Are you a civil servant that believes cannabis business can bring economic prosperity?

Integrate is prepared to help you develop an effective cannabis platform.
Contact Us

Are You A

Business Owner or Entrepreneur?

Are you new to the cannabis industry?

Are you ready to grow and expand your small business?

Are you motivated to balance profit seeking with sustainability and social impact?

Integrate is prepared to help you elevate and develop your business.
Contact Us
Business or Entrepreneur

Let us collaborate to build resilient local economies

founded on the principles of social & environmental stewardship.
Let us positively integrate our principles of community
into a sustainable, post-prohibition world.

Our Benefit Commitment

California represents the largest and most vibrant economy within the U.S. and the 5th largest economy in the world overall. Navigating the complex terrain of its legislative and regulatory landscape presents many challenges. Beautiful and bountiful, California has a proud history of leadership, innovation, and social justice. It is clear that California will soon become the leader in the global Cannabis Industry.


There has been a fundamental change in the cultural, political, and scientific appreciation of cannabis that has led to a wave of legislation and the emergence of a rapidly growing legal market. This realization, while groundbreaking, carries with it a heavy debt to the many organizations and individuals that worked tirelessly to champion social justice reforms amidst the misaligned, prohibitionist cannabis policies of the past.


Recognizing the link between economic growth and social development, Integrate offers a vision of the future where progress is not only associated with more profits and political changes, but where community-based principles are truly and fully integrated throughout society. Providing public benefits is one of the pillars of our organization, so we invite all of you to join us in our community development process, through which we will dedicate a percentage of our profits to continue improving lives locally, regionally, and nationally.


Whether it’s from aiding comprehensive prison reform, supporting environmental and energy sustainability, addressing infringements on civil rights, ensuring compliance with a myriad of regulations, or just bringing people together, we work hard to help our clients face a very diverse array of challenges while also building towards a more equitable future for all Californians.