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Integrate | Civic Engagement
A California Benefit Corp.
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Civic Engagement

Policy Strategies
Drug policy reform is complex.

We offer local governments tailored approaches to successfully create and integrate sensible cannabis regulations designed to educate and benefit their entire community.

The California Cannabis industry compassionately bridges conflicting political & cultural ideologies. This is not business as usual. This is intergenerational, multicultural civic engagement.



Successfully integrating a local grey market cannabis economy into the community takes more than “good” policy and public comments in a City Council meeting. It requires innovative strategies that consider the impacts of cannabis prohibition. As experts in community outreach & drug policy reform, we offer local governments and elected officials:

Cannabis Task Force Management and Strategies

City Planning, Community Development, Regulatory Compliance

Educational Workshops and Presentations

Medical Research, Cultivation & Extraction, Patient & Consumer Use

Community Outreach and Focus Group Management

Grey Market Networking, Social Research, Focus Group Facilitation