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Integrate | Business Development
A California Benefit Corp.
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Business Development

The cannabis industry was founded on social justice.

We offer businesses and entrepreneurs tailored strategies to successfully create and integrate cannabis operations that are of maximum benefit to their local communities.

California’s cannabis industry is a multi-million dollar industry founded by AIDS patients & social justice advocates. This is not business as usual. This is the evolution of the corporation.



Successfully integrating a legitimate cannabis business into the community takes more than capital and a business plan. It takes compassion, community support, and a broad knowledge of your consumer base. As experts in community outreach & California’s diverse cannabis markets, we offer local businesses and entrepreneurs:

Market Based Cannabis Consulting

Medical, Adult-Use, Pet Care, Intergenerational Marketing, Hospitality & Entertainment

Preparation for Local Licensing

Business Plan Development, Political Advocacy, Community Reinvestment

Benefit Corporation Development

Transitioning to For-Profit, Regulatory Compliance, 3rd Party Benefit Reporting